Banjo-Kazooie | 14th Jul 2022 | 11:20hrs | rating: 4.5/5
The super classic 3D platformer that even beats Mario64 in most ways.
GAMEPLAY: Still really enjoying this! Solid gameplay except for some collision jank (especially when jumping with kazooie), and the levels are amazingly fun and focused. Gruntilda’s lair would need a map though, as I always forget where things are.
AUDIOVISUALLY: The music and sound effects are SO memorable. The graphics are pretty great, and I like how it mimicks real objects and environments compared to Mario64’s more abstract shapes.
STORY/PRESENTATION: Saving your sister is nothing special, but I like the humor and Gruntilda’s random comments throughout the adventure. It’s unique!
There’s some frustration with lost notes and confusing lair layout, but it still absolutely holds up.