Baba is You | March 25 | 6:45hrs | rating: 3/5
A clever puzzle game where you can combine any command with any object to solve the room.
GAMEPLAY: You really just use the D-pad, so it’s all about figuring out what to do. I do think it gets too hard too quickly, as there are many simpler and easier levels later in the game that “beginners” would enjoy, but won’t reach.
AUDIOVISUALLY: Music is nothing special, but the visuals stand out in their wiggling simplicity.
STORY/PRESENTATION: There is no story, but the world map is pretty cozy.
At first it’s wonderful, as you get room to experiment and come up with your own solutions. But when the rooms are huge and the solution is very specific, it’s too tiring for me, and it’s not a game I will 100%. Luckily the “ending level” comes pretty early so you still can feel good about yourself.