Super Metroid | Oct 25, 2019 | 7:48hrs | rating: 2.5/5
Here’s the weird thing: I love metroidvanias, but could never get into Super Metroid. But this time I really set out to finish it!
GAMEPLAY: I dislike the controls. You feel clumsy and awkward, the jumps don’t land where you want them to and many elements (the quick sand!!) are super annoying. Puzzles often feel overly obtuse, as you don’t know if you need a new ability, or if you had one all along, causing a lot of backtracking. It’s both interesting and frustrating, but I’m leaning more toward the latter, as I would never have bothered to continue the game if I couldn’t look up solutions online.
AUDIOVISUALLY: The music is mixed oddly low, and there’s nothing I actually enjoy. The visuals are okay but also quite boring and claustrophobic.
STORY/PRESENTATION: It’s a weird game. During the first two thirds, I feel like I’m always on a long side-track and never return to the actual game. I just want it to be over. Later on it does get quite epic though.
There really are many cool ideas here and there, and it is satisfying to get new abilities and use them. But 90% of the time I’m just not enjoying this game. It’s so strange how I can enjoy all metroidvanias except the one most consider the best.