This will be a geeky post, but there was a big Nintendo conference today, in which they announced their new home console; Nintendo Wii U! These E3 conferences have always been like Christmas for me, because new exciting games were shown and there was such excitement in the air. Obviously I’m a bit older now, so it’s not a big deal anymore. It’s a bit sad in a way, that I don’t think as passionately about these things as I used to.
Anyway, I think The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword for Wii looks pretty good! It’s always a huge thing when a new Zelda game is released on a home console, because it only happens like, every fifth year. So it’ll be great I hope, and I will definitely play it!
Oh, and GEncore in the chat room said I should show you some old video game songs I’ve recorded, now that I’m talking about video games, hah. So here’s a Zelda related song from 2005 or so:
After that, they showed a few games for the Nintendo 3DS, and honestly I’m not too interested. Mario Kart is always fun, and the new Super Mario game might be good, but at this point, they don’t make it worth buying the console.
Kid Icarus COULD be interesting if the gameplay is great, but I doubt it. 3 vs 3 multiplayer battles seems fun though, and the developer (Sakurai) has made the Smash Bros games, so he knows a thing or two about multiplayer battles!
Speaking of which, they announced Super Smash Bros for Wii U and 3DS! Wooo, that was the best news of the conference. I love those games. Here’s another old recording of the Smash Bros theme, from 2006, consisting of only me and a friend’s vocals, and some clapping. No effects except for reverb:
Finally, the Wii U. The “new thing” about it is that there’s a screen on the controller, so you can play the game without the TV, but still have home console graphics. Or use the screen as an item screen, or as an aiming device. It plays all the normal Wii games, and you can use the old controllers, so that’s good.
But I don’t know. I’m not that hyped about this one; it’s graphically around 360/PS3, and isn’t controlled that differently from what we’ve already played. Except for gimmicky tech demos, where you can move the screen around to see different angles of things.
But as always, it’s all about the games that come to it! So I’ll probably buy it sooner or later.
Yup, that’s it.
Would you say Nintendo is your favorite console then? Like I said in another comment, Nintendo is definitely the console I like the most. Not that PS3 or Xbox aren’t good; my sister has a PS3 and I enjoyed a lot some games there, like Resident Evil, but Nintendo gives me the kind of fun I prefer. I also thought about buying a Xbox and then a Kinect, but… no, I got my Wii, hehe, maybe I buy a Xbox in some years. One of my childhood trauma is never have been given a Nintendo 64! :( I played the 64 games years later, using those emulators for PC, but it’s NOT the same thing! ><' And I think Mario franchise is perfect, so it was a terrible thing in my life… Everybody laughed at that little boy screaming when he got one 64 on Christmas, but I can't assure I wouldn't do the same thing now!
And I never played Zelda, NEVER! I thought about buying Zelda for Wii, but I don't know if I should play Zelda for SNES first. I know that the chronology of Zelda is very long, but I'm not sure if it wouldn't be better to know the other versions before starting playing it on Wii.
What I do know is that I'm a totally noob on video games. I never played Pokemon on video games either, and I'm 24 years old, so you see what I'm talking about…
Perhaps I should buy an used Nintendo 64 on eBay!
Mik: Well, Nintendo has made many consoles. :P But yes, I like Nintendo games the most, so I’ve always preferred their consoles. The Gamecube is probably my all-time favorite, even though most would disagree..
You really should try out Zelda! It’s “the special game series”, that has always stood out in front of the rest. Less so now though. The latest Zelda game, Twilight Princess (2007), was the first Zelda game I was disappointed by, because it just didn’t innovate enough. It was a great game, but a “normal” great game.
Unfortunately, you will NEVER understand how great Ocarina of Time (1998) was when it was first released, because it was SO above everything else at the time. Today, it’s just a great game. It’s sort of sad that not all people could get that experience when it was new and fresh. :)
Hmm.. If you still like 2D games, I think you should start with the SNES game A Link to the Past (1992). Don’t bother with the older ones.
If you don’t mind easy games, I’d say you should start with Wind Waker for Gamecube (2003), because it’s the one that stands up the best TODAY. So it’s a good start, great game, cute visuals, but a bit easy. Or maybe wait for Skyward Sword (released later this year), but I don’t know what that game is like.
But you can play Wind Waker on your Wii, so maybe you should start with that!
Rebeca: Thanks! :)
Ha,ha,ha I’m so exited because I’ve seen some trailers about The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and I can not wait until the game comes to Europe,but I still have not finished “The princess twilight”. I got my Wii too late ^_^U.
Thanks for the Zelda Jazz. It’s a great version.
I love all music and versions and medleys about Zelda’s world!!
See you soon!!!
you made the second song?(FreddeGredde – SSB Acappella)
thats too good!no guitars,no instruments?
awesome dude!
can you please tell me the various voices you used in that?
I mean,like one for bass,one for main melody,…..?
Thanks Kurt! Yes, I made it. I don’t remember exactly what’s in it. Three of my voices for the bass, singing the same things. Probably 3-4 voices for the chords. 3-4 for the main melodies. And a few additional here and there.
Haha, didn’t know that you where into the E3 stuff too:). We have a Wii at home, but it’s more for the little kids so… I have a PS3 and my little brother has a 360, so everything is present. I’m quite stocked about Uncharted 3, I got the last two games, and I loved the story, along with the graphics off course. I like the Assassin’s Creed series as well, but I wasn’t that impressed by the new one. I will buy it for the story, but the gameplay has yet to impress me. The Wii U is quite interesting btw. If the launchgames are interesting, it might be of to a better start then the 3DS. And off course it’s quite cool that SSB will be coming on the 3DS as well. Hope it will live up to the expectations:).
Oh, and Fredde, I don’t know if you noticed the new guitargame by Ubisoft called Rocksmith, but I think it’s quite interesting. If it focuses enough on the more experienced guitarplayers, I might get it. The site is
I agree that the Wii has more games that kids will enjoy, but you also have to be quite mature to enjoy all the amazing qualities of the Super Mario Galaxy games! ;)
I don’t think I’ll ever be interested in guitar games. :) To me, it ruins the whole point of music, which is creating and composing, and not “imitating what others have already played”. But that’s just my view on it.
Mik: I think as Fredree. I played Zelda Ocarina of time and Mayora’s Mask on Nintendo 64. Later, I bought Nintendo Game Cube and The Zelda Collector’s Edition, which includes: Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask.
I thought I would not like the look of Wind Waker (cartoons), but I can assure you that when I started playing, I could not stop, ha, ha, ha. It is a wonderful game.
These games have a magical atmosphere that makes you enter the world of Link and you can not stop playing, they are incredibly addictive and the stories always have sense of humor and endless fights and puzzles and … I can not stop talking about Zelda… I think you should start from the beginning of the story, you’ll like it.
Mario 64 was also a great game. I did not stop until I got all 120 stars. Yeahhhhh! but I was not able to kill the final Bowser, I had to wait until my cousin visited me and killed it because I was too nervous ha, ha, ha.
One of the reasons why I have not been able to finish The Twilight Princess yet, is that I can not find the same feeling as with Ocarina of time, for example. Great graphics, new way of playing, but it’s not the same.
I also recommend: The Legend of Zelda Minish Cap for Game Boy Advance and The Spirit Tracks, for Nintendo DS.
Don’t worried about your age, I played Ocarina of Time and Mayora’s Mask too late in time, when Nintendo 64 was obsolete and everybody enjoyed their PS. Possibly, I had the same age as you, then.
Come on!!! Let’s play and…
Here we go!!!!
(Sorry for my poor vocabulary ^_^)
Oh, yeah, Ocarina of Time is the game EVERYBODY I know gets shocked when I say I never played. Maybe if I had a 64 in that time, I would probably have played. In those times, when game rental stores were so common, I was always playing something different. But it doesn’t explain why I never rented a Zelda game.
I will certainly look for those ones you recommended, A Link to the Past and Wind Waker, and one day I will try Ocarina of Time too. :)Although the time has passed and I can’t feel today what you all felt that time, when the game was released, it’s wonderful when an old game, song or movie can still amuse, excite and make you think. If those games survived through the years and if they are still great, that’s the magic of it.
Thanks for the suggestions. ;)
Ohh, that was very kind, Rebeca, thanks! I will follow what Freddie and you told me and I will finally enter in Zelda world. There’s not only one person addicted to video games that I’ve known that never put Zelda on his favorite games. So, I guess I procrastinated enough time to finally start it. :P
PS: It’s curious, it happens here in Brasil too: everytime the subject is NEW games, people always enjoy remembering the classic and unforgetable games of the past. And the nostalgia that they bring.
SSB a-capella. And you love that game series. Holy crap man, and I thought you were talented and good-natured before. You deserve all the good things in life that have happened or will happen later in your life, man :)
That “Song of Storms” remake was incredible! I love how you jazzed it up! Personally I think the LoZ games have had the best soundtracks, and the Final Fantasy series is a close second :)
I really love this SSBB a capella.