Here’s something interesting, I thought! A few nights ago, I decided to film the sky at night time. Not really sure why, but later, I learned that it was the very night of the Summer solstice! Which means that it was the time of the year when the night is the very shortest. What a coincidence.
Up here in Gävle, Sweden, it means that it basically doesn’t get dark at all. I don’t have a very good camera, but even with the one I have, you can clearly see how light it is outside. So here’s the video I made:
And well, we usually have pretty good window blinds/curtains here, so it’s not that big of a problem when trying to sleep. It got pretty darn hot in my apartment this morning though, when the sun was beaming at my windows at 5:00am… (Yeah, I went up for a little stroll around my apartment at that time.)
Interesting, well here in Croatia nights are much darker at this time, and dawn starts about 4.00am. Do you get up early every day?
Nästan likadant som här i Visby.
Men den ända skillnaden jag reagerar på är att det inte finns så många granar här. Bara en massa tall. :/
That is a pretty cool thing you guys get to experience, but that must wreak havoc on your sleep schedule =P
Pinja: Nah, I usually don’t get up until around 11. :P I wake up all the time though, but that’s just because I don’t sleep that well in general.
For some reason great artists never sleep very well, or get inspiration at nighttime. Owl City for example (which I consider beeing a great artist) writes his songs at night most of the time. Do you get inspiration at night or play at night?
Stefan: It happens now and then! More often than not while I’m in my bed, trying to sleep though. And then I come up with something “brilliant” and think: “Alright Fredrik, try to remember this now, so that you can record it tomorrow! Because I don’t want to get up and start the computer this late!” Not sure how often I actually remember those things though.
Luckily, the computer is mostly still on when I come up with ideas though, so I just record the idea quickly, just to be able to “remember” it later.
you should just keep a pen and pad by your bed for when you get ideas when you’re trying to sleep. Then you don’t have to get up and don’t have to wonder what you’ve forgotten. :)
Oh man I wish I could experience that. Sunny dawn! Lol paradox :P
Jag har så svårt att sova de dagarna! Det blir så ljust! :o
Ja, precis som du beskrev gör jag :) Det är en ovana, men det är för att jag vill ha ketchup på båda sidorna av köttet! Hahah! :D
Jaså! Jag fattade inte inte alls vad du pratade om, innan jag kom på det där med vänd hamburgare. :P
Can you please release the song?
please? :D
Oscar: What song? :) How? What?
in the background :p
You said that it was an old composition/recording you did, and I really like this little part :)
Okay, you can hear the whole piece here, haha:
Fredrik: Takk, takk :)
kult med svensk lyric :)
Gleder meg til 13. august :D