A medley featuring video game songs with lyrics.
At the time of this video’s release, I was busy composing and recording demos for my album, but people had started complaining about not getting new videos, so I decided to do something short and simple to make them satisfied.
I really didn’t think it would get as popular as it did! I showed it to my friends before uploading it, and they said things like “well, it’s okay, I don’t think anyone will kill you if you upload it”. They were not all that enthusiastic. But people loved it, and it reached a million views before the end of the year. It made me a bit confused though, because I had spent many weeks on my other successful videos, but this one was made in less than a week. The power of video game references…
Song list:
2. Forest Maze Song Rawest
3. The Theme from the Dark World
5. Nigga stole My Bike!
6. Mega Man 3 Title WITH LYRICS
7. Chocobo Robo Voice
8. Kirby: Falcon Punch Remix
MP3: http://www.speedyshare.com/files/23653347/video_game_songs_with_lyrics2.mp3
Your friends aren’t as enthusiastic as the internet is about video games. It may be a simple video but it awesome! Can’t wait for your album!
Can’t stop listening to this one. Love how you turn on those songs with your amazing voice :D
Greetings from france.
PS: Waiting for an album :D
Just found you today. My son and I love your creativity! Keep up the great work…see you on the front pages!
This is the first video of yours I saw. It’s my favorite!! Sometimes I’ll sing to it real quick before I head to work and it always puts me in a better mood!! I just love it to pieces ♥♥♥
Just found you today and I’m glad I did. Your singing is awesome and the lyrics cracked me up.
Have you written any of your own lyrics?
I can’t wait for your album :D
Haha, I love the lyrics :)
You’re getting a lot of feel good comments, but, all I can say is if
you like your fame and want to grow it bigger in America you’ll get
rid of the “Nigga Stole My Bike” song. If it ever came to light that
you sang that, all your popularity would dry up overnight.
Prejudiced stuff like that won’t be tolerated by the majority of
Americans, Europeans I can’t speak for them. I was promoting you’re
cartoon theme song video, but, until you see the wrong in that
song I won’t be mentioning you again to anyone.
Thanks everyone! :)
Daniel: You can read about my opinion of that word here: http://freddegredde.com/06/lots-of-answers/
I’ve read your explanation but I would really, really get rid of the ‘Nigger stole my bike’ part if I were you. Your explanation doesn’t really excuse it to be honest.
Personally, it doesn’t offend me but I can understand why it offends others. My general rule is that if I wouldn’t say it to someone, I won’t sing it for someone.
I’m sure it’s simply naivety on your part and it might be accepted in your part of the world. However, it certainly isn’t in the UK.
Your music, your call.
Rob: Sorry, but my general rule is that as long as you don’t mean any harm, all words should be okay. Do you also think that South Park should be banned/censored? They’ve joked about ALL races and stereotypes in it, but it’s not meant to hurt anyone. Not sure how popular that show is in the UK.
so…. i was a fan until i heard nigga stole my bike…really? whats that all about guy
i’m hearing your perfomance… here in south korea..
i would like to know about you.. and sweden>?? your mother country??
sweden.. good image.. and best social life quality..
strong soccer team.. .. etc..
i will visit your country.. and you.. someday..
your songs are beautiful and very exciting..
i’ll keep watching and vistit your homepage…
i’lov the part from tetris to nikka stole my bike? haha
that’s funny…
tha part .. too easy to play .. so i can.. hahaha
good luck..
Hamnade på din page av en slump när jag kollade runt på youtube, märkte då att du e svensk:D coolt. Du e otroligt duktig. Skulle va as kul om du gjorde en låt om olika pc games oxå, som wow, swtor, diablo, skyrim .m.m, en mix av dom största spelen, en mix som både hyllar å visar roliga kontraster :)
phoenix: Hej, tack! :) Bli inte arg nu, men jag tycker problemet med den mesta nutida spelmusiken är att den är väldigt.. intetsägande, melodimässigt. Visst, det låter jättepampigt och filmiskt, men skalar man av allt sånt så vet jag inte om man ens känner igen låtarna längre.. Jag tycker i alla fall att de gamla tv-spelslåtarna hade mer minnesvärda melodier. :) Det är väl Monkey Island-temat som skulle passa i något framtida medley då.
i love the dark world theme,
Hey im american and i i dont see why some of you are offended by the “nigga stole my bike” part. it is just a word, and he didnt make the origional lyrics to the song, so you shouldnt be botheriing him about it.
The whole ” nigga stole my bike” is fine!
People need to relax, my friend who is black thought it was hilarious!! I don’t know, this song kicks ass keep up the great work!!