Harry Potter (2001)
Star Wars (1977)
Jurassic Park (1993)
James Bond (1962)
Rocky (1976)
The Good the Bad and The Ugly (1966)
Lord of the Rings (2001)
Home Alone (1990)
Jaws (1975)
Back to the Future (1985)
Pirates of the Carribbean (2003)
E.T. (1982)
Indiana Jones (1981)
* Harry Potter Em Am/E B7/E an orphan named Harry Potter Em B7/F# Em goes to a magic school Em Gm Fm he fights Voldemort with nerdy friends Am F# Em if magic were real, how cool * Star Wars B B B E E (E/E D# D C# B) Luke joins the Star Wars D/B D/B D/B D/B D/B with an old man E D/B D/B D/B D/B Chewbacca and Han E D C# D B to save Leia's ass B E/(E D# C# B) Vader's eeeeeeeevieeel A/C# A A/E but he's the dad E A/(B C# D#) E/(E D# C#) and though that is sad E/B E D C# D B Luke, dont kiss your sis * Jurassic Park E A E A we have dinosaurs, living dinosaurs E E/G# Asus4 it is totally safe, come see E A E A t-rex, brontosaurus, and some smart raptors E Bsus4 B Em bring your family - oh shit, we must flee * James Bond Em(/E F# F# F# F# E E E E G G G G E E E) now double-o-seven spies on some criminal lairs (sneaking around) he's got a license to kill bad guys and has so many affairs (sleeping around) how will our dear double-o-seven get out of trouble again he'll use his gadgets now and then * Rocky G/B Am Gmaj7 Rocky go, run and fight Am Gmaj7 out of shape, not too bright Am G/B try to stand as you bleed C while you beat Apollo Creed B GO FIGHT! * The Good the Bad and The Ugly Em A *whistle* Clint Eastwood Em D *whistle* bad and good C Bm *whistle* some ugly dude Em A *whistle* * The Lord of the Rings E G E several hobbits on a quest C/E G/D to destroy Sauron's ring A/E Em D/F# then return heroes E/G# G E Gandalf is the best C Bm E fighting orcs, smoking weed, he won't die * Home Alone D A/C# G/B D/F# Kevin's home alone now G D/A Gmaj7 A no one's noticed they left him D A/C# G D/A what a crappy family! G D/A torturing burglars G D/F# making them suffer G D/F# D the kid is a sadist G G G/F# Asus4/E A D he needs therapy! * Jaws E F E F E F E F etc I am...slowly..swimming...closer.. Jaws is hungry, legs are yummy good you're in the ocean, dummy (look out there!) even though my brain's a peanut don't think I won't chew on your butt (better swim!) stupid humans pay attention this song is so full of tension I look so fake, but still scary eating people like a cherry limbs are floating in the water now I crave another slaughter * Back to the Future F/D C/E Gsus4 G stuck in the 50's, oh my! F/C C Dsus4 C/E great Scott! poor ol' Marty McFly F Em you kissed your own mom D#maj7 Dm now help dad go to prom Ab6 Ab Adim5 or you won't exist! * Pirates of the Carribbean Cm G# Gm Cm sword fights, funny hats, ghost pirate ships, and Johnny Depp G# D# A# Cm he's a genius wearing goth makeup at every drunken step Cm G# Fm Cm a love story with two boring but good-looking british actors G# Cm G Cm such exciting adventures, but I do prefer the ride * E.T. F Fsus4 F E.T. welcome to our planet (welcome to our crazy world) G C/E eat our yummy M&M's here (such yummy M&M's) Bb/F C# too bad cops need things to shoot at (why don't the humans like us?) Dbdim5 C you should phone home * Indiana Jones C F/C what a hero, such a man G/C C C/G he's the scholar with a dashing plan C C# an explorer with a whip G C/G G C/G G with a swashbuckling aura C/G G C/G G he wears a fedora C F/C the amazing doctor Jones G/C C fighting nazis, digging through old bones C C# Indiana frikkin' Jones G C/G G C/G anything but the snakes G C/G G Csus4/G 'cause they give him the shakes C/G G C doctor Jones
nice song dude this is truly amazing
Your videos are AMAZING. You seriously deserve way more views and suscribers. Greetings from Argentina!