Yooka-Laylee | Feb 15, 2020 | 15:48hrs | rating: 2/5
This Banjo-Kazooie wannabe duo goes on a 3D adventure full of mini-games and empty spaces.
GAMEPLAY: The controls are okay (except in some mini-games), but the level design really is the villain here; the areas are just way too big and empty, and there are no satisfying “endings” to them; you just walk around randomly to find something you haven’t done yet, until you give up and leave. And what’s up with the flying power they hand out not significantly far into the game, that lets you fly over most challenges?!
AUDIOVISUALLY: Game looks good enough, but some “you’re not really meant to walk around here” areas are extremely plain. The music is also quite plain and uninteresting, like less memorable Banjo-Kazooie imitations.
STORY/PRESENTATION: The story is relatively fun, and the jokes are okay, but when I reached the final boss entrance almost 10 hours in, and after only 5 worlds total, I was told to collect “say a hundred pagies” to enter. I only had 53. This is not a good structure. And those quizzes that are clearly just padding…
MULTIPLAYER: There’s a bunch of mini-games, but it’s definitely not something you’d play more than once each.
The Impossible Lair was so great that I had to finally try this one too despite the reputation, and unfortunately it’s simply a mediocre game. Occasionally I still had fun, but it’s very unpolished, with random holes you die in, serious frame skipping issues, and the infamous camera problems (though not too bad if you select the all manual one). I hope they learn from their mistakes and try a new 3D adventure though, because there’s potential here.